#6万保卫战 #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #特朗普当选概率上升 Eight key points of contract trading, have you done them all?

1. Stop loss level

Cut off losses in time to protect the principal

2. Follow the trend level

Not stopping loss means big blood loss, not following the trend means chronic blood loss

3. Light position level

Accidents always come unexpectedly, futures are not about getting rich overnight

4. Timing level

In addition to unilateral market, there are also fluctuations, so relax and wait for the opportunity

5. System level

At this time, you need to standardize your trading system after knowing and making mistakes in the first four levels

6. Confidence level

When encountering an unsuitable market, you should not overturn your trading system, but believe in the system and improve it

7. Repeat level

According to the signal prompts of your own trading system, continuously optimize the repeated profit model

8. Free level

Practice concentration, not being disturbed by the outside world, and continuously improve and enrich your experience. Investment is risky, so continue to be cautious when entering the industry!