Some fans asked if buying Ordi at this price now can make more money than BTC in the bull market

I asked them why they wanted to buy Ordi.

They had the following reasons

First, Ordi is the leader of the BTC ecosystem, and the leader must rise

Second, Orid is listed on Binance, and it has fallen so much

Third, Ordi should rise as a new thing

Fourth, Bitcoin will definitely break through the previous high during the bull market, and Ordi will definitely break the previous high.

I said: All your reasons are correct, but you will not make money if you buy based on these reasons.

My logic is very simple. Ordi is the meme leader of the BTC ecosystem. Everyone knows it. It is not a secret. The market has given normal pricing. People who know it all know it. You can't make money from this information.

The reasons for the second, third and fourth parts are the same as above. You can't make much money from things that are not secrets.

And there is no guarantee of making money.

Watermelons in the east of the city are 4 yuan, and watermelons in the west of the city are 2 yuan. Everyone knows that there is a price difference, but you can't make much money.

Because everyone knows that the market rules have given reasonable pricing. For the same watermelon, the watermelon sellers in the east of the city must have paid other costs higher than those in the west of the city.

The money earned is just to maintain the normal operation of the market, which is impossible to make a fortune.

Investment and making money must be based on the cognitive gap accumulated by the information gap that others don't know. Among them, there are information advantages and informed advantages. For example, if you discover a certain law of moving bricks, you can make a clamp robot, you can make strategic liquidity spreads, etc. Only with this informed advantage can you say that you can make stable money.

Cherish every opportunity to fall. If you don't know how to choose potential coins for layout, be my fan and escort your transactions.

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