You lose money, and big money, in a bull market, not a bear market. You will naturally be in awe of a bear market, while a bull market will easily let you down your guard.

For me, 90% of my income comes from a bear market, not a bull market. In a bull market, people eat from the same pot, which has no value and is a zero-sum game for fools.

A bear market tests professionalism and reverse thinking. I like bears more than bulls. If I can make 10% with a 30-point increase, why should I use 300 points to make the same 10%?

Therefore, if you want to make money in a bull market and make risks and returns equal, you should use big cakes and mainstream leverage to magnify profits, instead of waiting for unilateral market conditions.

#6万保卫战 #CPI&PPI来袭,美国通胀升还降? #你认为PeterTodd是中本聪吗?