1. The first result: war. Simply put, we will defeat all the countries that owe us money, and then say, "I will forgive all the debts, but you still have to pay me back!"

2. The second result: the printing press is running wildly. Imagine that the Federal Reserve's printing press is running day and night, like a machine that never stops, and a large amount of US dollars are printed. But in this way, inflation will spread like wildfire, and the US dollar may be almost worthless in the end. My opinion is that this approach is undoubtedly a poison to quench thirst, and in the long run it will seriously damage the US credit and economy.

3. The third outcome: global taxation. If the United States starts to tax global companies, it will be an earthquake in the global economy. Multinational companies have to figure out how to survive under the new tax rules. In my opinion, this may trigger an international trade war, and no one will benefit in the end.

4. The fourth outcome: debt restructuring. The United States and creditors sit down and discuss how to repackage the debt, extend the repayment period or lower the interest rate. This is like playing a high-level financial game to see who can take advantage. I think this may be a relatively peaceful solution, but it requires the cooperation of creditor countries.

5. The fifth outcome: selling state-owned assets. If the United States starts selling some state-owned assets, such as land, minerals, and even company shares, to raise funds, it is like selling treasures at home. Although it can solve the problem temporarily, it may not be worth the loss in the long run. My point is that this approach may cause widespread controversy at home and abroad.

6. The sixth result: raising domestic tax rates. The wallets of ordinary Americans may suffer a little. Raising taxes means that everyone has less money to spend. It's like a family has to pay off debts, and the whole family has to save money. I think this may cause public dissatisfaction and social unrest.

7. The seventh result: technological innovation. If the United States can come up with some revolutionary technology, such as controlled nuclear fusion, then the speed of making money may catch up with the printing press. But this takes time and there is a lot of uncertainty. My opinion is that although this is the most ideal way, it cannot be achieved in the short term.

8. The eighth outcome: diplomatic negotiations. The United States may seek cooperation with other countries through diplomatic means to jointly resolve the debt problem. This is like a diplomatic dance on the international stage, and each country has its own little calculations. I think this requires the United States to show enough sincerity and flexibility.

9. The ninth outcome: economic sanctions. The United States may impose economic sanctions on other countries to force them to make concessions on debt issues. This is like playing a dangerous game, and if you are not careful, it may lead to a bigger conflict. My view is that this approach may make the United States more isolated internationally.

10. The tenth outcome: debt default. If the United States really chooses to default, it will be a major earthquake in the financial market, and the confidence of the global economy will be severely damaged. My opinion is that this is almost the worst option, and the United States will not take this step unless it is absolutely necessary.

11. The eleventh outcome: increase immigration policy. The United States may relax immigration policies to attract more wealthy people to invest in immigration, thereby increasing national income. This is like opening a door to welcome wealthy investors. I think this approach can increase income in the short term, but it also brings about social integration problems.

12. The twelfth outcome: spending cuts. If the US government is determined to drastically cut spending, such as on the military and social welfare, the debt problem may be alleviated. But this requires politicians to have enough courage and wisdom. My view is that this is a difficult but necessary path.

13. The thirteenth outcome: international cooperation. The United States may seek to cooperate with other major countries to jointly deal with the global debt problem, which is like forming a "debt alliance." I think this requires all countries to put aside their prejudices and work together for the stability of the global economy.

In short, it is not an easy task for the United States to solve the 45 trillion debt. My point is that any single method is unlikely to work. It requires a combination of multiple means and a long-term vision. I would like to raise a topic: Which way do you think the United States is most likely to take to solve the debt problem? Or do you have a better suggestion? Welcome to discuss in the comment area.