Personally, I am bearish in the short term and I cannot hold the price at 60,000. Yesterday, I saw many people opening long positions, so I opened a short position at 62,000.

Pay attention to the CPI expected tonight at 2.3%. It is another night of water fraud, but it will affect the short-term trend of BTC. It is recommended to open a position after 12 o'clock after tonight's data. If you can't control yourself, remember to open a hedge.

The liquidation map shows that the short positions near 63000 were less than 1 billion, and the long positions near 58000 were 1.4 billion. Calculated based on today's closing price of 60600, it rose to 63300, 4.26%, and fell to 58288, 3.8%

Brothers who are trapped can send their position information and calculate the best way to help them get out of the trap. After recording profits with high leverage, remember to open a break-even point. Brothers who want to increase their positions with floating profits can wait a little longer.