#币圈2024-2025🔥 Can't miss the artificial intelligence (AI) sector#

🕵️‍♂️In-depth exploration, the AI ​​sector has unlimited potential!

👀 My dears, I have studied the AI ​​sector in depth. This is definitely a major trend in the future. I remember that in September and October last year, I had already keenly noticed the potential of this field, but I have never found the amazing feeling like when I discovered RNDR. However, this does not affect my optimism about the AI ​​sector

💰 The market value has skyrocketed, and the future is promising!

📈 At present, the total market value of the AI ​​sector is less than 50 billion, but it is expected that in the next 1-2 years, this number may soar to 150-350 billion! You heard it right, it is a 3-7 times surge! There are still many AI projects that have not been launched, and the financing scale has reached about 10 billion. It seems that capital institutions also have a special liking for this field

💼 Select projects and allocate them reasonably!

📊 In my copycat portfolio, the AI ​​sector is absolutely an essential configuration. But after careful consideration, I decided to adjust my strategy and gave up the FET project that I had been optimistic about before, because I could not fully understand its potential and future growth due to its merger plan. Now, my focus is on RNDR, LPT and NEAR projects

🌟 RNDR, my favorite!

💖 Among them, RNDR is the one that I am most optimistic about! Its advantages are really too obvious, it is simply the leader in the AI ​​sector! I plan to invest 10% of the funds in the portfolio in the AI ​​sector, 50% of which will be invested in RNDR, and the remaining 50% will be invested in several other projects in batches to maintain a balance.

📌 Rational investment, principles first!

📝 Of course, the specific configuration should be adjusted according to the overall volume of the individual's currency circle. Even if I am optimistic about the AI ​​sector, my principle is: do not place an order unless you buy a structure! Good projects cannot be without good timing, and they cannot be without good cost prices! We need to make reasonable combinations, and the principle is to achieve 0️⃣ cost holding!

📚 Do a good job of research and move forward steadily!

📚 Finally, I still want to remind everyone to do their own research. There are risks in the currency circle, and investment should be cautious! Let us move forward steadily together and welcome the outbreak of the AI ​​sector! 🚀🚀🚀

#Cryptocurrency##AIArtificialIntelligence# #InvestmentStrategy#