According to the latest market data, the price trend of CHZ on October 10, 2024 shows that the highest price in 24 hours is 0.0746119 US dollars, the lowest price is 0.0650979 US dollars, and the current price is about 0.0719702 US dollars, which is 7.14% higher than 24 hours ago. In addition, CHZ's 24-hour trading volume is 2.45 billion, the 24-hour turnover is 171.7 million, the total circulation is 903.847 million CHZ, and its market value is 650.50 million USD.

From these data, it can be seen that CHZ is more active in the market today, and the price shows an upward trend. When considering trading or investing, investors should pay close attention to market dynamics and technical analysis indicators, and consider their personal risk tolerance.