The crypto market is under siege, thanks to an influx of clueless newcomers flooding in through Telegram mini apps and TON airdrops. These participants, with little to no understanding of market fundamentals, are wreaking havoc by spamming chats with meaningless slogans like "$DOGS to the moon" or "$HMSTR to $45"—without a clue of what they’re promoting. It’s more than just noise; it’s actively harming the integrity of the crypto space.

Crypto isn’t meant to be a playground for "get-rich-quick" schemes. It’s a space built on innovation, long-term growth, and real value creation. We need to start treating it with the seriousness it deserves.


Major exchanges need to take responsibility. By refusing to list these spammy, Telegram-driven tokens, they can protect the market from further damage. If we allow these uninformed players to continue running wild, we’ll face more panic, more volatility, and the dilution of the genuine innovation happening in the crypto industry. It’s time to clean up the space before it spirals out of control.

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