As the overall market value of the cryptocurrency circle continues to grow and its popularity increases, the probability of a 100x coin is rapidly decreasing. This means that it is very difficult to hold on to a 100x coin directly, and coupled with the difficulty of finding it, it is even more difficult. However, think about it from a different perspective. The 100x coin is just an appearance. What everyone really needs is the rate of return. In other words, as long as the investment income reaches 100 times the principal, it is the same as a 100x coin. Then a 100x return is much simpler than directly finding a 100x coin. A 100x return can be split up, it can be one coin or multiple coins. For example: a 10x coin, If you add a 10x coin, will it also have a 100x return?

It is much easier to find a 10x coin in the currency circle than to find a 100x coin, that's for sure

Therefore, this kind of decomposition thinking is very important in investment and is also the key to reducing risks

Don't insist on holding the coin blindly, because the market has entered a new stage and most currencies have entered the bullish attack stage

It is basically impossible to buy at the lowest position, so you have to change and adjust

There is still a great chance for 10x coins at this stage, at least I have made a lot of preparations

I have selected some coins to ambush and hold them for a long time. If you don't know how to choose coins, you can find me