Hong Kong stocks are seen as leading indicators. Today, they fell 10%. A-shares are about to start adjusting. I wonder if you will still be A-shares in two days?

On the other hand, the U price has fallen to 6.88. Now the Chinese who are still rushing have handed over the low-priced BTC chips, and they are still bitten at such a high negative premium. I can say this with certainty. When you get out of the A-shares, BTC may have reached 80,000. It's time to let you know the cost of opportunity cost.

The net inflow of ETFs on the evening of October 7 was more than 200 million US dollars, proving that the traditional market does dominate the trend of BTC. Otherwise, the withdrawal of Chinese retail investors in the past two days should lead to a relatively large liquidity gap. Standing at this position in the past two days, the volatility has narrowed, and a major direction choice will soon be ushered in. My hunch is that it will go up. What do you think? $BTC #带单挑战1000U翻10倍 $BNB $SOL