In-depth interpretation of the economic logic and debt transfer behind the bull market?

In fact, it is not difficult to see that the ultimate goals of this round of bull market are only 8:

1 is to transfer local debts to stockholders.

2 is to transfer all deposits of everyone to the market, for the more than 300 trillion deposits in the bank.

3 is to enable enterprises to raise funds in large quantities, solve funding problems, and promote economic development.

4 Promote industrial upgrading, allow more high-tech enterprises to obtain financial support, and enhance national competitiveness.

5 Increase tax revenue, active stock market transactions can bring more revenue to the national treasury.

6 Promote consumption, stockholders will increase consumption after making money, and stimulate domestic demand.

7 Attract foreign investment, an active stock market can attract international capital inflows and enhance economic vitality.

8 Stabilize the financial market, avoid excessive concentration of funds in real estate and other fields, and reduce financial risks.

Invest with caution, there are risks in entering the market.

Good luck!