NEIRO's current market value is 700 million, and it has tripled since its launch. How much more can it be expected to rise?

SUI is a little short of the new high and has failed to break through and started to fall. Now the support level of 2 has also been broken, which is a waterfall. If it breaks the support of 2, it can still be bearish in the short term, probably around 1.93.

A-shares have been very popular recently. I found that many people in the currency circle have never played stocks. As for me, I have experienced a 15-year bull market and am considered a stock market veteran. Today, let's talk about the difference between A-shares and the currency circle.

Let's talk about the essence of the stock market first. It is a tool for corporate financing and blood transfusion for enterprises. The price-earnings ratio of stocks is to use the future profits of the enterprise to estimate the price of the enterprise. It can be said that the price-earnings ratio is a "bubble" of the enterprise's future. In a bull market, this bubble will be blown up, and it seems that both enterprises and investors have made money, but as long as the bubble does not break, everyone is happy. However, the bull market is always short-lived, and the bubble will always break.

A-shares can be invested, after all, the country's development momentum is good. But remember, whether it is in the stock market or in the currency circle, there are always a few people who make money.

#非农人数大幅升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #EIGEN、OP、ENA大额解锁 #以太坊生态meme币