Coin investment experience

While chatting with a netizen at noon today, he told me some of his recent experiences, which I think are very good, so I will share them with you.

1. In the secondary market, many coins are not worth buying, and all the value coins are basically garbage.

2. Binance's bnb is worth investing in, and the returns will be very good in the long run.

3. Ethereum can't be played anymore. The competition in the public chain is fierce, and Ethereum faces a huge crisis in the future.

4. In the end, meme can still be played in the cottage, but it must be carefully selected. The meme of the secondary market exchange is more stable.

5. Exchange meme chooses more than 100 million US dollars and less than 400 million US dollars, which is more valuable for investment. The risk below 100 million US dollars is too great, and the market value above 400 million US dollars is slightly higher.

6. The secondary market meme coins are optimistic about pepe and turbo. Pepe may form a three-legged situation with doge and shib, and turbo has more investment value.

7. Turbo has more investment value. It is called the people's token in Europe and the United States. It belongs to grassroots culture. Because a father wanted to give his daughter better living conditions, he used chatgpt and created this coin with the help of the community. The combination of AI and blockchain has great potential.

This is the experience shared by netizens.

Finally, let's talk about Marvin (ending with 7055), because I bought pepe, but his volume in the secondary market is too large, so the increase is limited, which is relatively stable. I bought Marvin (ending with 7055) in the primary market because I am optimistic about his community culture. Recently, it has been oscillating and washing, so the income has decreased. I didn't invest much, and I didn't make much money. I just took advantage of my luck. Now I probably have more than 5 times the income.

I am still optimistic about the future of Marvin (ending with 7055). One of the main reasons is that the community is active. Another reason is that if Musk shouts on November 1, it may rise exponentially. The narrative of meme is very important. Marvin (ending with 7055) has this narrative, so I am still optimistic about it later.

#非农人数大幅升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #EIGEN、OP、ENA大额解锁 #Marvin迷因币