The United Nations has just released a report accusing Telegram of being a hub for serious cybercrime, especially in Southeast Asia. The report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) notes that Telegram has become a popular platform for trading stolen data, malware, and deepfake creation tools for fraudulent activities. Telegram channels are exploding with groups selling credit card information, passwords, and other personal data without significant interference.

The report also found that criminal groups in Southeast Asia, especially those from China, have been using Telegram to conduct large-scale operations, from money laundering through cryptocurrencies to fraud through unlicensed cryptocurrency trading platforms. These groups use advanced technology and AI to develop complex fraud campaigns that generate billions of dollars in revenue each year.

Telegram has also been criticized for allowing illegal activities such as arms sales and human trafficking to go unchecked. Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder, was arrested in Paris in August 2024 on charges related to allowing criminals to use the platform to spread illegal content. Although Durov has said he will cooperate with law enforcement, experts have questioned Telegram's ability to monitor and regulate the app's massive scale.

These UN findings raise major questions about the responsibility of tech platforms to monitor content and protect users from cybercrime. Countries like South Korea and India have begun investigating Telegram's role in major scams and cyberattacks. $TON

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