Today I went to sleep. I had a strange dream. In the dream, I saw a person who was also dreaming. I concentrated and somehow managed to enter his dreams. It was as if I had passed through a veil and found myself in a parallel world. The person in the dream was dreaming of a school of little silver fish, swimming in turbulent waters. But it was not a peaceful scene. Around them, sharks and whales lurked, ready to devour them. And between them, dollar bills floated in the water, as if money was the only thing that mattered in that aquatic world. But what caught my attention the most was that small drops of blood were coming out of the little fish, as if they were being eaten alive.

"I was drawn to the image and moved closer. The person in the dream seemed mesmerized by the scene. I realized it was a perfect metaphor for the world of cryptocurrencies. The silverfish were the small investors, swimming in a sea of ​​speculation and risk. The sharks and whales were the big players, feeding off the naivety and greed of others. And the dollar bills floating in the water... well, they spoke for themselves.

"I continued to watch the dream, fascinated by the depth of the metaphor. I wondered how many more silverfish it would take for the whale of speculation to be satiated. And if they could ever escape that cycle of greed and exploitation. The dream faded, but the image stayed with me, like an echo I couldn't silence.