In 1996, Li Ka-shing walked into McDonald's in Wangfujing, Beijing. The waiter asked Li Ka-shing: Sir, what would you like to order? Li Ka-shing adjusted his glasses and ignored him. He turned to the secretary behind him and said: I want the entire 3-kilometer area with McDonald's as the center. This incident later became a good story in the circle.

The entrepreneur wanted to take over the land. McDonald's didn't buy it, and it took a lot of money to get it. In fact, the profit model behind this brand is quite interesting. It is not just a hamburger seller, but also engaged in franchising, supply chain management, and even commercial real estate development.

Many companies are learning this model. Not only in the catering industry, but also in the retail industry. For example, some large supermarkets will open stores in new development zones, bringing the entire business district to a hot spot. Some technology companies make money by licensing technology. Educational institutions will also expand their business through cooperative education.

This is really a smart business strategy. I didn't expect that fast food restaurants can also play commercial real estate. It seems that if you want to succeed, you have to keep thinking of new tricks. McDonald's model is indeed worth learning from. #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份