I watched a lot of comments on social networks! Most people are talking only about the price reduction.

But I analyzed it for myself.

Here I predict that Btc will not drop below 28k zone yet!

If October closes with good results for us, it is possible for November to drop slightly to 28k and flat!

And in December, I will create my main Portfolio!💻

These are the plans✌️



Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda ko’p fikrlarni kuzatdim! Ko’pchilik faqat narx pastlashi haqida gapirishyabti.

Ammo men o’zim uchun tahlil qilib ko’rdim.

Bu yerda Btc hali beri 28k zonadan pastga tushmasligini tahmin qilyabman!

Agar Oktyabr oyi bizda yaxshi natijalar bilan yopilsa Noyabrda biroz pastlash 28k gacha va flet bo’lishi mumkun!

Dekabrda esa men asosiy Portfelimni tuzaman!💻

Rejalar shunaqa✌️ #BTC