
Creating a simple buy and sell strategy in TradingView using the Stochastic RSI indicator involves setting up conditions for both buy and sell signals. Here's a basic example:

1. Open the TradingView platform and create or open a chart.

2. Add the Stochastic RSI indicator to your chart:

- Click on "Indicators" (top menu).

- Search for "Stochastic RSI" and add it to your chart.

3. Set the parameters for the Stochastic RSI indicator. Common values are 14 for length, 3 for smoothK, and 3 for smoothD. You can adjust these based on your preference and market conditions.

4. Define the buy and sell conditions:

- Buy Condition:

- When the Stochastic RSI crosses above a certain threshold (e.g., 20).

- Add a condition for confirmation, such as the Stochastic RSI crossing above a certain level (e.g., 80).

- Sell Condition:

- When the Stochastic RSI crosses below a certain threshold (e.g., 80).

- Add a condition for confirmation, such as the Stochastic RSI crossing below a certain level (e.g., 20).

5. Implement the conditions using TradingView's Pine Script, the scripting language used for creating custom indicators and strategies. Here's a simple example in Pine Script:



study("Stochastic RSI Buy/Sell Strategy", shorttitle="StochRSI Strategy", overlay=true)

length = input(14, title="Length")

smoothK = input(3, title="SmoothK")

smoothD = input(3, title="SmoothD")

overbought = input(80, title="Overbought")

oversold = input(20, title="Oversold")

// Calculate the Stochastic RSI

StochRSI = sma(stoch(close, close, close, length), smoothK)

K = sma(StochRSI, smoothD)

// Plot the Stochastic RSI

plot(K, color=color.blue, title="StochRSI")

// Buy and Sell Conditions

plotshape(crossunder(K, oversold) and crossunder(StochRSI, oversold), style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, title="Buy Signal")

plotshape(crossover(K, overbought) and crossover(StochRSI, overbought), style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, title="Sell Signal")
