The story of the 2008 financial market crash and the subsequent emergence of Bitcoin is one of the most influential events of the new millennium

In 2008, the world witnessed one of the largest financial crises in modern history. The collapse began in the United States due to the subprime mortgage crisis, where high-risk mortgage loans were provided to individuals who were unable to repay them. When these individuals began to default, major financial institutions collapsed, including “Lehman Brothers”, which declared bankruptcy in September 2008. This was followed by a collapse in global markets, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars and causing widespread unemployment and a global economic slowdown.

This crisis was the result of a long accumulation of unsustainable financial practices. The financial collapse also represented the failure of the traditional financial system to maintain market stability. A few months after the 2008 crash, in January 2009, a revolutionary solution appeared:

Bitcoin. A person or group under the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto” published a research paper presenting the idea of ​​a new digital currency based on blockchain technology. This cryptocurrency is designed to be outside the control of governments and central banks, making it attractive to those who have lost faith in the traditional financial system. Bitcoin was initially considered an unconventional project but has slowly gained acceptance. $BTC