Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized cryptocurrency created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. By “decentralized,” we mean that Bitcoin does not have any centralized servers to issue new coins, process transactions, or store funds. Bitcoin is limited in supply — the number of coins will not exceed 21,000,000. According to calculations, Bitcoin issuance will end in 2045.

Bitcoin is also called the first digital currency. Its transactions and emission are regulated by an extensive peer-to-peer network. The cryptocurrency uses a single database distributed in the network, included in a decentralized peer-to-peer network that uses an electronic digital signature and is supported by a proof-of-work protocol to ensure the security and legitimacy of the funds submitted for circulation.

Bitcoin is the most widely used alternative currency with a total market value of over $73.375 billion. There are many websites that offer the ability to exchange, sell or buy Bitcoin.

Although Bitcoin does not formally require identification of the user's identity to use, the currency is not completely anonymous.

#Bitcoin❗ $BTC