#Crypto AK Perspective#



Brother K, why did BTC rise while the alt fell❓

Brother K, why do we have so many alts in 🈳BTC?

Answer: 👇

In the shock phase after a BTC decline, the altcoins will not follow

You need to judge what stage of the market BTC is in, especially after the sell-off and decline, in the narrow shock phase, the altcoins have their own ideas

But the altcoins are playing "independent market", BTC trembles, they do not follow; BTC sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, the altcoins show their heroic qualities, the rise is as high as the main chain, the altcoins do not have a general rise, and at present, not all altcoins have a market

🔍 Volatility risk VS systemic risk, there is a way to identify

Volatility risk

Daily tea and food, BTC small drops and small shocks do not affect the overall trend

Systemic risk alarms sound, BTC top signal appears, this history gradually forms the top usually takes about a month

That is when the altcoins exit, protect the principal first, strategy first, don't think too much

📈 The main stage of the market pulse, the price trajectory has a rule to follow

Random fluctuations, in fact, follow the path of least resistance. Sideways to accumulate momentum, oscillate to choose direction; after expansion, there must be convergence; extreme convergence, unilateral surge

Extreme unilateralism, heaven and hell for contract traders

In a moment, stop loss is your companion, wealth freedom or the edge of the abyss

🔥 In summary:

BTC oscillates, no need for extreme unilateral rise and fall

The cottage will go on its own; systemic risk is that after BTC rises sharply

The cottage should retreat. Price fluctuations, respond wisely

Extreme unilateralism, brave game, stop loss as a shield, safe progress

This time we built

0. (SATS around 25)


Think carefully about the core knowledge points I told you


$1000SATS $TIA