🌐Stellar and the Global Currency by The Economist🌐

🔎 In this post we will analyze the alleged relationship with two images separated in time and a third, from one of the magazines with the most "influence" in society. This magazine comes from pressure groups in the world related to the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Bilderberg Club. Symbolism has always been present on its covers. Let's see:

📃 1988 cover: "Get ready for a world currency”

1️⃣ Currencies: Various types of burning bills appear.

2️⃣ Phoenix: The mythological bird represents the resurgence, the rebirth resulting from the burning of world currencies, holding a coin around its neck.

3️⃣ Currency: Represents that all those bills merge into a single currency, possibly a cryptocurrency.

3️⃣.1️⃣ Symbol: Refers to the golden number or the “golden number”. It represents perfection.

3️⃣.2️⃣ Year: As you can see, “2018”: and the article quotes: “Within thirty years, Americans, Japanese, Europeans and people from many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones, will probably pay for their purchases with the same currency.”

4️⃣ Crown: Represents leadership. Also add that a single world currency would imply a single world bank.

➡️ Cover Article 09/24/1988: https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/1998/09/24/one-world-one-money

📃 2021 Cover: "Govcoins: The digital currencies that will transform finance".

➡️ Cover Article 05/08/2021:


🌐 Stellar Logo:

In 2014, Jed McCaleb, founder of Mt. Gox and co-founder of Ripple, launched the Stellar network system with former lawyer Joyce Kim. Before the official launch, McCaleb created a website called "Secret#BitcoinProject" in search of alpha testers.

In 2018, Stellar temporarily reached a market cap of over 12 billion $ and rose to its all-time high of 0.94
