Pavel Durov published a post on his Telegram channel, in which he explained the situation related to the issuance of phone numbers and IP addresses of users to “relevant authorities.”

Durov's statement is most likely related to the publication of September 23: then the owner of Telegram announced an update to the terms of service and privacy policy in the messenger.

Now, as it turns out, Telegram has had the ability to provide services in different countries with IP addresses and phone numbers of users who have broken the law since 2018. As he says, with a properly executed request through the appropriate communication channels with the messenger administration, data “on dangerous criminals” was provided long before the events with him on September 23, 2024 in France.

Durov reminds that there is a bot @transparency in Telegram, which provides statistics on such requests. Allegedly, in Europe, according to the entrepreneur, in the third quarter there was an increase in the number of correctly executed legal requests to the Telegram messenger.

Durov also stated that the principles of Telegram's work have not changed, they have simply added unification and bringing the terms of service and privacy policy to a common form in different countries.

These are the kind of "excuses" we now hear from Durov after his weekend in Paris))

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