“From a long time, I have had my own answer to the greatest mystery in the crypto market: Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

  • Remember, Bitcoin is not a tree that can grow naturally. Bitcoin is a digital system, which requires a codebase, a network to protect it, and electricity to keep it running. Who provided all of that in the early days and continues to maintain it until Bitcoin became secure enough to be fully decentralized?

  • From having no value to surpassing $70,000 per BTC, with a market capitalization of over $1 trillion in just 15 years, this must have required an extremely meticulous plan and the support of one or more entities with immense financial resources to achieve.

  • Statistically, the probability of a system like Bitcoin forming, developing, and succeeding in such a short period is nearly impossible within our current civilization. To make this clearer, just look at the millions of coins/tokens on the market today—can you find a second project that has succeeded like Bitcoin? That’s a ratio of 1/2.4M (according to CoinMarketCap, but in reality, it’s likely even larger). Not to mention, almost all current projects seem to be mere ‘supporting actors’ for the lead role: Bitcoin.

  • It would be naive to think that Bitcoin formed, developed, and succeeded naturally over the past 15 years. If you want to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is, first recognize what role Bitcoin will play in the future.

  • An outdated and failing financial system; government debts are ballooning… The global monetary financial system seems to be on a one-way path toward a cliff ahead. Though it’s easy to see, no one knows how to turn back. Perhaps Bitcoin is the new road being built as a contingency for the ‘cliff’ ahead. As former President Trump recently said, don’t worry about the U.S. national debt, ‘just give a little Bitcoin—we’ll pay off the $35 trillion U.S. debt.’


