History is always surprisingly similar~

In the two rounds of monetary policy cycles that BTC has experienced so far, both the first rate hike and the first rate cut have brought about a two-week rise

But the problem is that the rise after the monetary policy shift always evolves into a lure before the short trend starts

After the rate cut in 2019, the price rose for two consecutive weeks. I am firmly bullish and believe that the bull market will continue;

Then it was liquidated on 9-25, and experienced 3-12 in the following six months, with serious losses;

After the rate hike in 2022, the price rose for two consecutive weeks. I am firmly bullish and believe that even if the rate hike will not reduce the huge amount of liquidity;

Then I stopped the loss at $40,000 with the spot, and the cottage that was trapped has not been untied so far;

After the rate cut in 2024, the price rose for two consecutive weeks. This time I learned to be honest and wait and see.$LINK