BANANA/USDT Price Overview: October 3, 2024As of today, BANANA/USDT is trading at $46.24, showing a 4.95% increase in the last 24 hours. Here’s a quick snapshot of its trading data:24h High: $46.8324h Low: $41.64Volume (BANANA): 222,787.48Volume (USDT): 9.92MMarket Depth:MA60: $46.44MA(5): 96.522MA(10): 96.442Over the past 7 days, the price increased by 3.84%, while it surged by 16.44% in the past 30 days. The MACD, Bollinger Bands, and other indicators hint at continued volatility. Keep an eye on the support at $46.09 and resistance at $46.83.For those trading on Binance, monitor the market closely and set alerts to track significant movements.

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