🚹SPOT update 03/10/2024 lottery system and meme belong to lottery group

đŸ”čSHIB current price 0.00001649$

Entry zone : 0.000014-0.00001650

Target : 0.0000200-0.0000250 ( 20-60%)

🔾 DOGS current price 0.00065$

Entryzone : 0.00052-0.00065

Target : 0.00076-0.0011 ( 15-70%)

💎 PIXEL current price 0.1303 ( Risk )

Entryzone : 0.1060-0.1303

Target: 0.16-0.25$ (30-100%)

🔮Cut loss 10% compared to Min entry (lowest entry level -10%). SPOT will also have to cut loss. Nothing is impossible. Pixel odds are quite risky. The market is at the border. The profit can be very high, but the risk is also high. So be careful.

Divide HOLD into 3 groups to divide capital

( Main Force - Surfing - Lottery )