🚹 Telegram Disclosed User IPs Since 2018

Telegram’s founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, has clarified that the platform has been disclosing IP addresses and phone numbers of criminals to authorities since 2018, not just recently. In a post on Oct. 2, Durov emphasized that this disclosure process was in place long before last week, following concerns raised about Telegram’s privacy practices.

Durov noted that Telegram only shares user data, such as IP addresses and phone numbers, after receiving legally valid requests related to criminal activity. This aligns with Telegram’s privacy policies in most countries. For example, Telegram fulfilled:

- 75 legal requests in Brazil in Q1 2024

- 2,461 requests in India in the same quarter

Despite this, Durov reassured users that Telegram’s core values of freedom and privacy have not changed. The company aims to protect users from corrupt governments while preventing criminals from exploiting the platform.

Durov’s statement comes after French authorities indicted him in August 2024 on charges related to illicit activity on Telegram. After his $5.5 million bail, Durov has been updating users on Telegram’s steps to combat illegal use of the platform while maintaining its commitment to privacy.

Ultimately, while Telegram complies with legal requirements, Durov assures users that the platform remains a safe space for activists and ordinary users alike.

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