If you ask around, most people selling their coins will tell you it’s because “the price is dropping.” But here’s the thing—most of them don’t truly know why. They’re just reacting. The vast majority of investors panic when they see any significant dip in the price of Bitcoin or other cryptos. But is there more to it than meets the eye?

Sure, the news isn’t helping. We’ve got geopolitical tensions—conflicts involving Iran, the USA, Lebanon, and Israel—spreading fear across the headlines. But it’s not just about bad news. The real issue is that people are selling blindly. They're dumping their holdings just because they see others doing it.

So, what’s really going on? Large-scale investors, sometimes referred to as "whales," often trigger these panic sales. They might sell a portion of their holdings, which causes the market to react. This triggers fear among smaller investors, who then start selling their coins in a rush to avoid further losses. But here’s the kicker—the big players usually re-enter the market once prices drop, buying up assets at a bargain. Essentially, they profit from the fear of the masses.

If you don’t take the time to understand how the market works, you’re always going to be on the losing side. You’ll be the one selling at a loss while someone else buys low and profits later.

So, stop following the crowd. Don’t sell out of fear. Hold onto your coins, wait for the market to stabilize, and you’ll come out ahead. That’s how you win in this game.

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