Popular messaging app Telegram recently provided clarification on its privacy policy and how it shares user data with law enforcement agencies. Despite concerns about a major policy change, Telegram founder Pavel Pavel Durov, who has been banned from leaving France, stressed that his core privacy practices have not changed.

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Pavel Durov: Telegram data disclosure has been implemented since 2018

Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that since 2018 Telegram’s privacy policy allows the disclosure of the IP addresses and phone numbers of dangerous criminals to law enforcement agencies upon receipt of a valid and compliant legal request. Disclosure of this information will only be done in compliance with local laws and in compliance with the platform's principles of freedom and privacy. The company ensures that any user data requests are rigorously verified before sharing relevant information.

Providing transparency through Telegram’s bots

Durov said Telegram is transparent about these legal data requests through the @transparency bot.

The bot provides real-time information on the number of legal requests for processing user data. For example, Telegram disclosed that it processed 75 requests in the first quarter (Q1) of 2024 in Brazil, 63 in the second quarter (Q2), and 65 in the third quarter (Q3). Similarly, in India, its largest market, Telegram fulfilled 2,461 requests in Q1, 2,151 in Q2, and 2,380 in Q3.

European regulatory requests increase

In the European Union (EU) region, Telegram noticed an increase in the number of active legal requests in the third quarter of 2024.

The reason is that EU law enforcement agencies use the correct communication channels more effectively. The relevant contact details have been available on Telegram’s website since early 2024, providing law enforcement agencies with a convenient way to get in touch.

Interestingly, although Durov said the policy had been implemented long ago, it appears that an effective communication window will only begin in 2024.

Simplified global privacy policy

Durov said Telegram recently unified privacy policies across countries to avoid confusion. However, the company assured users that its underlying principles remain unchanged. Telegram’s privacy policy continues to comply with relevant local laws to the extent that these laws do not conflict with its core values ​​of freedom and privacy.

Durov said that while Telegram is committed to protecting activists and ordinary people from oppressive governments and corporations, it is also working to prevent abuse of its platform. The company made it clear that Telegram will not allow criminals to use its platform to evade justice and emphasized its commitment to maintaining a balance between privacy and legal compliance.

(After the arrest of Telegram’s founder, Telegram has secretly changed its “non-interference in illegal” policy announcement)

This article Telegram founder clarifies user data sharing policy: no major changes to privacy first appeared on Lian News ABMedia.