Odaily Planet Daily News 🌍 The Central Bank of Russia recently clarified that the launch of the digital ruble (CBDC) will not change the country's monetary policy management approach. According to the draft policy direction of the central bank for 2025-2027, even if the digital ruble goes online, the central bank will still use existing tools to control inflation.

Specifically, the Central Bank of Russia stated that the emergence of the digital ruble will not affect the implementation mechanism of monetary policy. The central bank will continue to manage money market interest rates by providing and absorbing liquidity from banks. 📈

Despite the growing global interest in CBDC, this statement from the Central Bank of Russia shows that they remain cautious in the management of digital currencies. 💡

Bitcoin enthusiasts, this may be a good opportunity to observe how the traditional financial system adapts to the era of digital currency! 🚀