About the latest secondary market trading changes of #Binance

It has been said before that brand reshaping is actually a means to eliminate the market's historical impression of the past locked-in positions of tokens

But some reshaping is also disguised as additional issuance at the same time. These are unclear if you don't pay attention to the details of the project. Now these have been disclosed as a notice

I saw a friend in the comment area saying why there is no direct delisting for projects such as reshaping and additional issuance👇🏻

I think this is a very difficult issue to balance. On the one hand, it is because BN is not the only scenario for project parties and institutions to exit in the currency circle. Delisting cannot fundamentally curb such things

On the other hand, reshaping the brand and issuing a certain amount of additional issuance is not necessarily a bad thing

On the other side of currency exchange and additional issuance and brand reshaping: if a coin that has not moved for several months, you happen to hold it, and the secondary market is half dead It was not alive, and I had already given up hope. At this time, the official Twitter suddenly announced 🔺

"We are going to rebrand"

What do you think?

Coincidentally, I am actually experiencing a similar situation. The founder exchanged the tokens of the old project with the tokens of the new project, and also issued additional tokens in disguise. I don’t know what the final result will be, but at least I see a little hope of getting back the investment (now that new project is still valued at 1 billion in the market, which is outrageous)

So I think making a public announcement is already a relatively neutral action. It is unlikely to expect the project party to declare it by itself. I personally even thought about the reduction announcement before, but this still requires a lot of big exchanges, not just the consensus of the top leaders to facilitate it

And it may not be effective. Looking back, it’s still the same sentence. There are still too many scenarios where the vested interests can exit🤣