Owning 100,000,000 BabyDoge Coins is currently worth around $0.24. The current price of BabyDoge is around $0.00000000235. At this valuation, it is clear that holding this amount of BabyDoge will not make you a millionaire by any means.
To give you an idea, to become a millionaire from BabyDoge, the price would need to increase significantly. For example, if BabyDoge reached a price of $0.01, your 100 million coins would be worth $1 million. This would require the price to increase by more than 4,250 times its current value, which is a significant and highly speculative jump.
The cryptocurrency market is notoriously volatile, and while there have been instances of sharp price increases, it is important to approach such investments with caution. For ongoing updates and analysis on BabyDoge, you can check out sources like TradingView for insights into market trends.