Next, regarding inscriptions, how they can be operated

【Already holding this situation and getting good returns】

1. The first method: Strictly follow the facts of buying and selling as expected, and when several positive expectations are realized, such as going to B'an, I will continue to strictly sell a small part, even if it is only a small part! There will always be some, and it may rise even after selling. This is inevitable. It is amazing that it will fall after selling. We cannot sell the highest price, but just don't sell out.

2. The second way: look at the trend of the pie!

Remember remember remember! ! ! !

In this market, the pie has the final say, and everything else does not count, including what any inscription says! ! If the market does not rise and the trend ends, or even if it falls sharply, how long do you think Inscription can keep going?

How long can any strong copycat survive? Therefore, if the pie falls below the support near 4w on the right, then I will still reduce my position! This part may not be sold at the highest level, but it will not retrace too much.

3. The third method: When the pie continues to rise, you set a price that you expect to be satisfied with, and start placing orders in batches. When the orders arrive, some orders will be placed and strictly implemented. This is called satisfaction stop profit. .

The above three methods of taking profit come naturally.

[When there is no inscription in hand]

1. The first type: Understand the value points and then take action. For example, with Sats this time, I saw that Ordi took the btc route, and Sats took the eth application route, so in this wave, I added a position in Sats and gained a certain security. This wave, with this logical support behind it, makes money very solidly. After all, fomo is useless. Making money based on principles is the way to go. You understand where the value is before you make a move. Otherwise, you won’t be able to hold on to it if you buy it. Not much money.

When you can't see the specific value point, you would rather miss it than make a move easily.

2. The second type: hedging the risk of emotional FOMO is because you don’t have a position in this track, so when you see it going up, you get anxious and others make money, then you control the total position and directly pursue some. If you treat it as lost money, it doesn't matter. Don't ask others if you can chase it first, because when others reply to you, it may be too late, or if the person originally held it, or he sold it out. He felt high no matter how he looked at it.

Therefore, you can only control the position, and when you see an opportunity, take action immediately, as one of the track configurations, so that you can also observe your inner state of mind.

3. The third type: divert your attention. Don’t be affected by people saying how much you earn. That may be just “bragging” and has nothing to do with you directly. If someone makes money, you can’t make it just by entering. , is this nonsense?

Then I might as well focus on other opportunities, such as new inscriptions, or some free sex opportunities.

(Whenever I have the opportunity, I will know about it and post it to the internal community as soon as possible.) If the opportunity allows, just operate it. For example, I just took everyone to type the first inscription on okt, okts, for the first time.

Therefore, don’t be afraid of missing opportunities. There are always opportunities in the market, and the inscriptions of various public chains are emerging one after another. Of course, there are more opportunities.

Moreover, if Big Pie can continue to produce blood, there is still a chance for some inscriptions on the head.

For many people who have gone to big law firms, this is just the beginning. They have broken through the threshold of their wallets. Going to big law firms will attract more large-scale investors to enter the market. #BONK #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC #sats #ORDI