Fed Chairman.

📌 Risks can be reversed, so decisions will be made after each meeting

📌 Our monetary policy will shift to a more neutral stance over time if the economy improves broadly as expected.

📌 The US economy is strong and we want to use every tool at our disposal to keep it strong.

📌 We have made good progress in restoring price stability without a painful increase in unemployment.

📌 The 50 basis point rate cut reflects increased confidence in our policy stance and inflation moving towards target

📌 Recent data shows further progress towards a sustainable yield of 2%.

📌 My colleagues and I are very confident that inflation is on track to hit 2%.

📌 Business conditions are tough and the labor market is nearly balanced.

📌 There is nothing to suggest we are heading for a recession.

📌 The Fed is in no rush to cut rates quickly and will be data-driven.

📌 If the economy performs as expected in September, we will see two more 25 basis point cuts.