$BTC Yesterday evening, the price of Bitcoin also fluctuated all night, mainly to digest the space of the nearly 3,000-point plunge during the day. The highest price reached around 63,800, and the lowest price formed support at around 63,000 and began to pull up. We wanted to catch a wave of high altitude yesterday, but it did not reach the point where we entered the market. We pay attention to the trend of the next wave of market. The current price ratio has reached around 63,500.

From the current trend, the price ratio has formed support near 63,000. At present, it has repeatedly tested the bottom of 63,000 and rebounded to the top, proving that the bottom support is still quite stable. In addition, from the four-hour level, the short-selling volume is about to be completed, and the long-short conversion is about to be formed. Then we can catch a wave of opportunities to step back and do more in the morning.

Bitcoin idea: more near 63,000-63,200, target 64,500

Ether idea: more near 2585, target 2650#HMSTR开盘 $ETH