In fact, this is a game in itself. First of all, the United States took the initiative to cut interest rates on September 19. When the channel for the Fed to cut interest rates was officially opened, our policy operation space appeared instantly. We have three major capital plates in China that can undertake massive amounts of funds, namely real estate, real economy and stock market. Can we put it in the real estate field? The answer is no. The reason is very simple, because China's real estate market has completed its historical mission. If we put more money in it, no one can bear it. So why can't we put it directly in the real economy? Because of the previous pessimistic expectations, many companies dare not expand production. Even if banks keep lowering loan interest rates, they dare not borrow money. In such an environment, money can't flow into the real economy at all. So after thinking about it, the most suitable place to undertake this round of large-scale water release is the stock market. The reason is that the total market value of China's stock market is very low, only one-fifth of that of the United States, and has room to absorb funds. When stocks rise, it is conducive to enhancing the confidence of citizens and foreign capital in the Chinese economy. In fact, the idea of ​​this round of economic stimulus is very simple. The first step is for the financial department to set the tone for water release, the second step is for the central bank to implement it, the third step is for the stock market to take over the funds, the fourth step is for shareholders to get dividends first, the fifth step is for other groups in society to benefit together, and the sixth step is to finally revitalize the Chinese economy. This is the first level of game, and it is also a nuclear bomb-level trick to stimulate the economy.

The second level of the game is to attract foreign investment back to China. In the past two years, the returns from doing anything in China were not high, so foreign investment would rather stay abroad than bring the funds back, because the returns from China's financial market are too low, so it is impossible to attract foreign investment. Now with the Fed's interest rate cut, a large amount of US dollar funds are about to flow out. If we want these funds to invest in China, we must make them believe that they can make money in China. So we must find a way to boost the stock market, and then make them believe that it is safe to invest in China. This is one of the important reasons why Dongfeng Express arrived in the Pacific on September 25th. It was to show global capital, telling them that China is safe and to quickly boost our economy.

The third level of game is to hedge against the pressure of RMB appreciation. Recently, the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar has broken seven two days ago. This is a major manifestation of foreign investment in China's economy. It shows that everyone is ready to start casting China, so the RMB exchange rate will soar. If the Fed continues to cut interest rates, the RMB will continue to rise in the future. But at this stage, the RMB exchange rate has risen too much, which is actually not conducive to China's industrial upgrading and commodity exports. We must find a way to control the speed of the rise, so we use water to hedge against the pressure of RMB appreciation. When there are more RMB on the market, the exchange rate will also come down. The purpose of doing this is to take the initiative of the rise and fall of the RMB exchange rate into our own hands, and to adjust it according to the rhythm of our industrial upgrading. This is the best outcome. So why has there been a big surge in asset prices in the past few days? Because this is a big layout that has been planned for a long time, waiting for the Fed's official interest rate cut, otherwise you can't explain why there will be such intensive policy adjustments in just a few days. This shows that we have already prepared the ammunition, and we are just waiting for an intensive opportunity. Even when Dongfeng Express fell into the Pacific Ocean, it was not just the scoundrels that were hit, but also we want to tell everyone that China's economic counterattack has officially begun. I hope this time it can solve the domestic economic deflation problem. Finally, I wish the motherland a happy birthday and long-lasting prosperity.