Hahaha, I just saw this joke, I sent it to everyone to make them laugh!

From now on

1. Coin circle players must add honorifics before talking to A-share players.

2. Coin circle losers are not allowed to interrupt during the conversation between A-share players.

3. Coin circle losers must greet A-share players every morning and evening.

4. Coin circle losers’ speeches are limited to 14 words, punctuation marks must be used, and expressions below the first row are not allowed.

5. Coin circle losers are not allowed to send emoticons.

6. Coin circle losers must obtain the consent of A-share players before posting pictures or voice.

7. Coin circle losers can only post 10 sentences a day, and more than that will be banned.

8. Coin circle losers are not allowed to post any information about A-share players.

9. Currency is imposed on coin circle losers after 22:00

10. KTV, A-share players choose first