$BTC In the Asian market, Bitcoin has retreated to the lower support level. It will soon close an indecisive candlestick above the 4-hour support, which may be a sign of recovery. BTC needs to rise above 66. The current decline can be considered a retest, but if it falls below the lower support line and closes permanent candlesticks, the decline may deepen a little more. If the European market is positive from here, the journey may begin above 65 and then to 66. I closed the $PEPE coin transaction I opened the night before with some profit in the Asian market. Right now, I am continuing with only my $PEOPLE Futures buy transaction. The reason I am staying in People coin is that if you look at the movements, it is very keen on the upside and I am sure that if BTC turns slightly positive, it will make a nice jump upwards. I also see Om coin as an enterable level, but since I can operate more comfortably on a single coin, I will not enter it for now because I do not want to divide my energy. #Bitcoin #BTC #People #Pepe #Om