Yesterday, Ju Zuo wrote an article about A-shares at the airport. The attitude expressed was very clear and the solution given was very simple. Basically, you just need to have hands. You can go and read the previous article.

Today's pre-market and opening gains also prove the forward-looking nature of the strategy.

The A-share index broke through 3,300 points, with gains across the board, reversing the downward trend in one fell swoop.


Old fans all know that Juzuo has always looked down on A-shares. Why did it suddenly change its tune and raise the banner and loudly urge you to buy the index?

The reason is actually very simple: different times have changed.

In the past, due to mechanism issues, the rhythm of A-shares was basically to sell companies to shareholders.

Although the mechanism was later modified and some loopholes were plugged, the market's confidence in the stock market had been lost. After so many years of defending the 3,000-point mark, it eventually fell to 2,700.

But the situation is different now. Yesterday, Ju Zuo mentioned a very critical point:

Political task.

People outside the system think this is just empty talk.

Those who understand the system know the weight of these four words.

Whenever it comes to political tasks, it inevitably involves everyone's political stance.

If your position is low and your awareness is not enough, it will be difficult for you to survive in the system in the future.

Like the previous targeted poverty alleviation, who from top to bottom dares to take a low position?

And most people do not understand the huge inertia of this political task at the level of national will.

But you should be able to understand these eight words: What the superiors like, the subordinates will like even more.

That's inertia.

To play the A-share market, it is not enough to just understand stocks.

Moreover, the timing is absolutely perfect. You will understand if you break down the timeline.


924 began to be officially announced,

The 926 high-level meeting set the tone.

927 The central bank announced a cut in the reserve requirement ratio.

At this time, those who got the news first had already got on board, and the index recovered to 3,000 points.

But the timing is just right, as the 28th and 29th are weekends and the market is closed.

But at this time, the good news had already fermented for 2 days, and the positive sentiment had been spreading, but it was not available for purchase, which was equivalent to holding back orders in private domain marketing.


Then today, on the 30th, the liquidity that had been pent up for so long was released all at once, and the Shanghai Composite Index rose by more than 8% at one point.

Okay, then tomorrow is a holiday, the market is closed, and I can’t buy it again!

What do you think is the biggest and most widely spread topic during the National Day?

There is nothing else but the stock market!

Then when the market reopens after November 11, positive emotions and uncontrollable hands will only pour in even more crazily.

The above calculation is really brilliant, it is a clear example of hunger marketing.

I didn’t write about this yesterday due to time constraints, but I still have to analyze it today.

Otherwise, many people would not understand the subtleties of the above policy-making, and naturally would not understand why Ju Zuo was so determined to urge you to buy the index yesterday.

All indexes rose today.

What's more, the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates, and the country has also cut interest rates and reserve requirements. The financing cost has further dropped, freeing up more space. Even Wall Street has begun to go long on China. People can be ignorant, but they should not go against the trend.

When there is no market, you say there is no market, but when there is a market, you are timid and afraid of being trapped.

You even dare to speculate in cryptocurrencies. Are you afraid of this financial market with trading time limits and price limits?

I give you the chance but you don't use it. I give you the chance but you don't use it!


Under this circumstance, u continued to have a negative premium, and today's market was also sucked dry by the A-share market.

The worst is the Nikkei. When Ju Zuo was playing in Japan a few days ago, the Nikkei rose by several hundred points in a single day. Now it has been directly hit by emo and has fallen off a cliff.


The busiest companies these days are brokerage firms, which is also the reason why brokerage firms have seen the highest increase in these days - the transaction fees contributed by the newly added leeks are enough to make them eat up their food!

The core delivery guys in our market have already entered the market with loans, and middle-aged women and even monks have also entered the market. I just want to ask you if you are afraid. The liquidity is so abundant, are you afraid of being trapped?


Yesterday in the Juzuo group, there was not much response after the article was posted, but today before the market opened, it became lively.

You can’t buy it. You can’t buy it at all.

I can’t open an account and can’t even get a number.

what to do?

You can buy it off-site, just open Alipay,

Find financial management, find index funds, and just buy them.

Do you have to buy on the market to make money?

Get on the bus first, right? Get on the bus first and buy the ticket later.


Today, I realized that many people don’t know how to use Alipay’s financial management system.

It’s such a feast, but you haven’t even gone to the table after all this time. Are you here to join in the fun?

Someone asked what to do during the National Day holiday, just wait?

Honest people only wait, smart people always create opportunities:

The United States doesn’t celebrate its National Day, so you can buy Chinese stocks on the U.S. stock market!


I am Ju Zuo, a man who focuses on recovering cryptocurrency assets and helping you get rich.

Two years ago, we made a web3 terminology dictionary for paying students, named the Little Red Book, which includes hundreds of definitions and application scenarios of professional terms. Now I give it to you for free.

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