Recently, former #Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) left a touching message on his Twitter page, addressed to everyone who followed his situation and supported him during difficult times. The post, in which CZ shared personal thoughts and plans for the future, sparked a lot of discussion in the crypto community. His words highlighted how he appreciates the simple pleasures of life, including the ability to eat more than one piece of fruit a day, which symbolically reflects his desire for personal well-being and peace of mind.

He admitted that he doesn't have all the answers to the questions his followers might have, but he did make it clear that he's taking a break to reflect on the next phase of his life. #CZ He noted, "There's always more opportunity in the future than there was in the past," which shows his optimism and willingness to take on new challenges.

In the letter, he also thanked everyone for their support, which he said gave him strength during the toughest times. He shared brief updates about his life, noting his success at Giggle Academy, which he said would be an important part of his life in the coming years.

CZ emphasized that he will continue to invest in blockchain, decentralized technologies, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology, while remaining a long-term investor focused on results rather than profits. He also plans to devote more time and resources to philanthropy and education.

Interestingly, Zhao continues to work on his book, which he describes as a more challenging project than he expected, but assures that he will complete it. He also noted that Binance is doing just fine without his active involvement, demonstrating confidence in the future of the platform and its team.

The post served as a sort of farewell and a new beginning for CZ, who remains an important figure in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

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