Original source: Zhouzhou, BlockBeats

Reprinted: Koala, Mars Finance

At the Solana Breakpoint conference of Token 2049, Solana ecosystem Desci platform Molecule DAO launched a new meme token issuance platform Pump.Science. Compared with other meme token issuance platforms, Pump.science is not characterized by its token issuance mechanism. Medical researchers can submit drug research proposals on Pump.science, and then test the drugs on worms and transmit the test results to the front end of the platform. In this process, users can participate in the test process by trading meme coins representing drugs.

Introducing meme coins to "incentivize" drug research

Pump.science can be understood as a token-based life extension experiment prediction game. Pump.science will issue meme tokens representing drugs on Pump.fun, and players can trade directly. When the market value reaches 10,000 US dollars, the medical research organization ORA Biomedical will use the drugs in experiments and publish the test results regularly to the PUMP.SCIENCE platform. On this basis, players can predict the effects of drugs based on experimental results and continue to trade meme tokens.

After entering the official website of Pump.science, users can choose to support the proposals submitted by others and purchase relevant tokens. When the market value of a token reaches the starting amount, the drug will be used in the experiment. During this process, users can view the experimental data in real time and evaluate the effectiveness of the drug.

Pump.science introduces a drug experiment prediction mechanism. Users who purchase meme coins are equivalent to voting for a drug. Ideally, if the token price trend changes synchronously with the drug trial data, it can provide an incentive for medical research. It gamifies longevity research. Users can judge whether the drug strategy can extend human life based on experimental data, and thus participate in investment decisions.

Entering the Pump.science interface, you can see the Marketplace page, which shows the experimental results and price curves of completed projects, making it easy for users to compare. After clicking on one of the experimental projects, Rifampicin, the system displays the experimental results and market data of the compound. Compared with the control group worms, Rifampicin showed a 32.87% life extension effect. A higher "life extension percentage" (PLE) means greater potential benefits, which encourages users to actively participate.

In Molecule DAO's view, longevity research is facing similar challenges as the crypto field, including cost, data reading time, and data quality. In response, Molecule DAO introduced a medical experiment mechanism, using "nematodes" with a lifespan of 20 days as experimental subjects, allowing ordinary users to participate in medical research through meme coin transactions, and researchers can also obtain experimental results more quickly at a lower cost.

The Wormbo platform is a low-cost, rapid experimental platform developed by Ora Biomedical, founded by Matt Kaeberlein and Mitchell Lee. It is specifically designed to test a large number of potential longevity therapies at a low cost. It uses nematodes with a lifespan of 20 days as experimental subjects, making it very suitable for rapid screening and analysis of life and health experiments.

How long will the “Web3+scientific research” market remain cold?

Molecule DAO, which launched Pump.Science, is a biotechnology research fundraising platform founded by Tyler Golato and Paul Kohlhaas. It has participated in the open source drug development organization LabDAO and received a $100 million investment from Sora Ventures.

Molecule DAO proposes to use IP-NFT technology to combine intellectual property with cryptocurrency, allowing the ownership of scientific research projects to be shared. Molecule DAO founders Golato and Kohlhaas also created Bio.xyz, which focuses on helping DeSci DAO use IP-NFT to fund, manage and develop the DeSci Accelerator, a global university intellectual property.

Currently, Pump.Science has only launched two tokens, Urolithin ($URO) and Rifamycin ($RIF), through which users can participate in the prediction and trading of experimental results. $RIF and $URO tokens were launched on the evening of September 21. The two tokens rose 20 times within two hours after they were launched, but then quickly fell by more than 90%. There were only 29 transactions in the last 24 hours.

The launch of Pump.Science is another exploration of Molecule DAO on the road. This model expands the commercialization and funding channels of scientific research results. However, for current traders, they prefer project mechanisms with stronger liquidity. Compared with scientific research value, popularity is the key force to promote meme coins. Therefore, the market response of Pump.science is not as expected. With the further development of the project, more tokens may be launched in the future, bringing more choices and participation space to users. The subsequent development of Desci is still worth paying attention to.