After the bottom of artificial intelligence and the fleeting luna sector, it goes without saying that the next step will naturally be the linkage of the SOL sector. Only when the market jumps upward in turn can the next market be created.

1. In terms of temperature, the Yang energy is in the southeast, with high temperatures mainly concentrated in the south and southwest. As for whether the south will have high temperatures this year, I have not investigated. The high temperatures in the southwest this year lasted for a month longer than in previous years, and the temperature began to slowly drop yesterday.

2. Taiwan is in the southeast, and there was an earthquake during the Qingming period. March is Chen, and it is the year of Chen, the month of Chen, and the land of Chen. The self-punishment of Chen will stimulate the prosperity of the earth, making it easy to cause ground disturbance or that.

3. As for the current Jiu Zi Li Fire Luck, it is very easy for big things to happen in the financial industry. This year, gold has repeatedly hit new highs, the Dow Jones of the US stock market has hit new highs, and the A-share market is going to rise from 3,000 to 50,000.

4. As for BTC, telling you the 100 million is purely a joke. It’s not funny to take jokes seriously. I just want to convey a message: rise, rise, rise…

5. Nothing is perfect in the world. There is one thing to worry about. Although the rise of A-shares will accelerate the cryptocurrency market, the logic of the rise of A-shares requires the appreciation of RMB, for example, from 7.0 to 6.4 (this is based on the US dollar. Don’t think that 7 to 6.4 is a decrease. That’s a joke.) Then the U.S. will depreciate. It will have some impact on the users in the cryptocurrency market, but it’s just a drizzle in the big picture. But we need to consider what the institutions here will do.

I will not tell you a few of them today. You should know that being short is also a kind of stock trading, and talking nonsense is also a kind of stock trading. There is no market situation at that level for me to say anything, and I can't keep calm, let alone understand my Taoism. The Tao of the market is as deep as the sea. My Taoism must encompass the universe and contain all things, which is in line with the fact that the universe is in your hands and all changes are in your body.

Finally: 50,000 points are too serious? Encompassing the way of the universe is too serious? Life should be humorous. Some words should be read from both sides. Word games are profound. Insinuating is one kind, self-deprecation is one kind, and using objects to describe people is another kind. Some people tell you about that person every day, and they may be talking about you!

I wish you all a happy National Day holiday in advance! $BTC $SOL $XRP