Market review:

1D, it broke the bottom and turned around. Although the starting point is a second buy, it is not a divergence, and it is the center of gravity moving down. The trend has no divergence, so it is a small turn to a big one.

As mentioned before, there are several types of main rising waves, ranked by the difficulty of operation: three buy consolidation evolution trend, strong two buy trend turning confirmation, and one buy bottom pin strong start. But I didn’t mention the fourth type: news triggers a small turn to a big upright pole.

For traders, the three buy main rising wave is the main operation point. The two buys are divided into situations. If you don’t do it well, it is easy to fall into the center. The one buy main rising wave is very difficult to operate. Even if you succeed, you will experience multiple trial positions and stop losses.

When it comes to the small turn to a big main rising wave, it is almost impossible to operate. Unless you are a left-side flying knife, it is difficult to operate at the right point.

So, what I want to say is that for technical traders, this type of market is a trend type that is likely to be abandoned, but it does not mean that they cannot intervene. There will be opportunities for subsequent small-level two or three purchases, and the profit and loss ratio may not be as high as before. If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, pay attention to the public account: Shasha said that the block has good certainty.

Therefore, qualified traders should think clearly about which trends they can and cannot do, know where the boundaries of their abilities are, and only do transactions that they can understand.

#HMSTR开盘 #非农就业数据即将公布 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高