Hello everyone, I am your cat. I stayed up too late working on code last night and got up late today too.

The key points are put first:

1. It was said before that breaking 654 is a potential signal, and breaking 644 is a confirmation signal. It does not mean that a callback will be triggered if 644 is broken. This just verifies that the momentum of the bulls is weakening. It is necessary to break 644 and be suppressed by 644 for more than 2 4 hours, and break 642 as a confirmation signal of the callback. The rebound needs to pay attention to 65200, which is the first level to restore the bulls. If you can't go back here, you can only go down. Returning to 65806 is a signal to restore the bullish trend, and returning to 66280 is a signal to restore the strong bulls. The top of the daily level is really not that easy to touch. I won't say more.

2. Don't chase the shorts here and don't chase the rise. None of us knows whether it will rebound or how much it will rebound. The error tolerance rate of your high-multiple Solitaire playing method is really lower than you think.

3. The combination of volume-price relationship and time and historical market conditions can indeed allow you to predict some things in advance in many cases. However, the main force and institutions can easily destroy this rule. No one can predict in advance when the main force and institutions will take action and to what extent. I can only analyze the information on the market. I am wrong. Sorry, I really can't do it. ETFs need to buy a lot and continue to buy. This matter cannot be notified to me in advance. Of course, they want to reduce the purchase volume or ship goods, and this matter cannot be notified to you in advance.

4. The continued strength of A-shares will definitely lead to the return of some domestic players' money to A-shares. After all, it is convenient and safe to deposit and withdraw funds, and it is completely legal. This is an inherent advantage. Moreover, after 10 years of oversold, once the bull market starts, it can at least last for more than 6 to 8 months. For example, Moutai and Wuliangye are basically equivalent to making money with your eyes closed. In the bull market, the wealth-creating effect of A-shares is far higher than that of the confusing currency circle. There is nothing controversial about this. Stocks can spiral up, but the currency circle cannot. Stocks are optimistic about future expectations, while the currency circle plays with sufficiently large volatility. One is a game for the future, and the other is a game for the present. This is the biggest difference between value investment and pure speculation.

5. The bull market must start when the real economy is on the verge of collapse and end when the real economy begins to recover and warm up. Capital needs a place to make profits, and ordinary people need to survive. This principle is actually quite simple.

6. If there is no sufficient wealth-creating effect in the subsequent cryptocurrency circle, this round of capital inflow from new domestic players will be the least in the previous cryptocurrency "bull market".

Let's continue looking at the market or start from $BTC

First look at the 4-hour level. Without considering the pattern, we can notice that this time after breaking through the upper track of KC1, it has been suppressed by the upper track (66280). It has been unable to break through for a long time. It is normal to run downward, but this time it broke through the middle track, which is not a good sign. The price of the middle track line at the 4h level is 644, which corresponds to the price on the pattern.

Switching to the daily chart is like this, the horizontal line. It should be noted here that the correction does not start when the price breaks through 644. The potential signal is that the price is suppressed by 644 and can fall below 642. What is considered suppressed? If you can't wait for 2 4 hours, you should at least be able to wait for 1 4 hours, right?

If it still cannot pull back to 65806, it cannot be confirmed that the bullish trend has been restored. If it cannot pull back to 66280, it is not a strong bullish trend. Before this position, we need to pay attention to 65200, which is the first level. If it cannot even return to 65200, then it will continue to move downward.

Next see $ETH

The suppression at the 4-hour level is not a new thing. You can see that KC1 broke and was suppressed. Why wait? Just waiting for such an opportunity. . . Recall what I said before, break. Suppressed, then enter. The opportunity will definitely be given to you. If you guess the top wrong, it is the same to enter after breaking. The middle line pin broke, which is not a good signal for bulls.

Ethereum, please pay attention to the suppression at 2676. If it cannot go back here, it is impossible to resume the bullish trend. Strong bulls are based on being able to return to 2721 and stand firm (there is no hope for this for the time being).

The daily bullish pattern is not broken if the line does not break the middle track. The daily bullish pattern is restored if the positive line can return to above 2657. If the two daily lines still cannot go up, the next time it falls back, the middle track of 2603 may not be able to be maintained.

Then look at $SOL

The missing content of the square in the past two days has been posted elsewhere. Before 155 is not broken, sol cannot be considered a reversal. This 155 will become a strong resistance level in the future. If it can return to above 158 and maintain 2 4h without breaking, it will be a signal to resume the bullish trend.

The daily line sol is clear, the previous high is 163, and it has entered a strong resistance range since 161. Whether to eat this fish tail or bet on a daily level breakthrough, you should consider it yourself.

Finally, look at BNB

Bnb is like a needle that has completed a 4-hour level correction in one go. If it has risen too much, it will also fall when it falls. I hope that those who said they would lock shorts on Bnb above 600 a few days ago really did lock it. Next, we have to see the suppression of 592. If it continues to fail to break through here, once the big cake falls back again, then Bnb will continue to fall.

To resume long positions at the daily level, the confirmation signal is to return to 595 and realize Yang Enveloping Yin. Friends who missed the lock-in short position can pay more attention to the situation at 595. If it shows strong performance when returning to 595, you can wait and see. If it encounters obvious resistance at the position of 587, you can also consider locking it at 587 if it really doesn't work.