⚡️Musk warns!

⚡️If Trump loses the election!

⚡️American democracy will come to an end!

On September 30, Musk, a world-renowned entrepreneur, made a shocking statement on the social platform - if Trump fails to be successfully elected, it may mark the end of the last presidential democratic election in American history.

Musk analyzed a shocking phenomenon: Assuming that one in 20 illegal immigrants obtain citizenship each year, which is a process that the Democratic Party is currently accelerating, then in just four years, the United States will welcome about 2 million new legal voters. Considering that the difference in votes in swing states is often less than 20,000 votes, this numerical change is enough to completely subvert the election pattern.

Even more noteworthy is that the Biden/Harris administration has directly airlifted "asylum seekers" to several swing states, such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona, paving the way for them to quickly obtain citizenship. This strategy undoubtedly provides a strong guarantee for the Democratic Party to lock in victory.

Musk further pointed out that this trend will lead to the gradual evolution of the United States into a one-party state, and the democratic system will exist in name only. Future "elections" may be limited to the Democratic Party's internal primaries. He reminded that such a situation is not groundless, but has actually happened in California for many years after the amnesty in 1986.

Musk's remarks undoubtedly dropped a heavy bomb on American politics, triggering widespread attention and deep thinking from all walks of life.

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