As the world's second largest exchange platform, FTX was invested by the world's top capital. It cannot be destroyed because of the founder's illegal operation. The next restart will make the exchange more standardized. After FTX pays off its $BTC $SOL $BNB #SEC主席重申比特币非证券 16b USD debt, a lot of top institutions will definitely acquire it and restart it, because well-known exchanges are too profitable. Binance has been established for seven years and its transaction volume has reached a terrifying 100 trillion US dollars. What do you think? #FTX重启,那么它会成为这轮牛市第二波助推剂,越来越多的积极因素在累积,一轮波澜壮阔的行情指日可待。 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?