Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world. While some see it as a threat, others see it as a revolution. Large corporations like Microsoft and Google are already profiting from the AI ​​race, raising ethical and safety concerns.

But decentralized AI is replacing centralized systems. This approach changes the very concept of AI by distributing computation and data across a network of nodes, which improves security, privacy, and democratizes access to technology.

Features of decentralized AI:

Distributed computing: data and computing power are distributed across a network of nodes.

Data privacy: Users retain full control over their data.

Resilience: A decentralized system is less susceptible to failures and attacks.

Transparency: AI decision-making processes become auditable.

Decentralized AI allows users to process data locally, reduces risks and prevents monopolies of large corporations.

Examples of decentralized AI platforms:

Ocean Protocol: Offers a blockchain ecosystem for data exchange.

Render: Decentralizes GPU power for 3D rendering.

Fetch.AI: Combines AI, Blockchain, and Automation to Optimize Business Processes.

Decentralized AI is a step towards a safer and more innovative future where control over technology is distributed among all network participants.

Part 1. Follow me@Sasha why NOT

#FetchAI #OCEAN #render