
The background of carbon assets is that in the context of global response to climate change, with the international community's emphasis on carbon emission control and the formulation of relevant policies and regulations, carbon assets have gradually become an asset with financial value. In this context, the concept, management and trading methods of carbon assets have gradually taken shape and become an important part of the sustainable development strategy of enterprises.

With the improvement of industrialization and the increase of human activities, global greenhouse gas emissions have increased dramatically, leading to increasingly serious problems such as climate warming. In response to this challenge, the international community has established emission reduction obligations through multilateral agreements such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, and has urged governments to take action and set specific greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. In this process, carbon emission rights have gradually been marketized and become a tradable asset - carbon assets.

Carbon assets mainly include emission quotas allocated by the government, carbon emissions reduced by enterprises through technological improvements, and emission reduction credits generated by zero-emission projects or emission reduction projects. These carbon assets can be bought and sold in the carbon trading market to form value. For example, enterprises can reduce their own carbon emissions by optimizing operations, energy-saving transformation, etc., and sell the saved emission quotas to those enterprises that exceed emission standards, thereby obtaining economic benefits.

As global carbon emission control policies become increasingly stringent, carbon emission management of enterprises is becoming more and more important. Enterprises need to set up special departments and personnel to manage and report their greenhouse gas emissions and participate in the purchase and trading of carbon assets. This not only increases the operating costs of enterprises, but also directly affects their market competitiveness and compliance. Therefore, effectively managing carbon assets has become an important task for enterprises, especially high-emission enterprises.

In general, the background introduction of carbon assets shows that it is a product that came into being in response to the global climate change. By understanding and managing carbon assets, companies can not only comply with increasingly stringent carbon emission regulations, but also bring additional income to the company by optimizing carbon asset management and enhance its competitiveness in the market.

ccarbon introduction

The ccarbon team was established in 2019 and has been committed to carbon reduction industry research and industry-related vocational education. Its carbon reduction and emission reduction vocational education covers multiple industries such as electricity, cement, steel, papermaking, aviation, non-ferrous metals, and petrochemicals. The educational content covers multiple dimensions such as carbon emission management, consulting, trading, verification, accounting, and detection. At present, ccarbon's carbon reduction and emission reduction vocational education business has generated stable profits and provides a large number of talents for the industry every year. At the same time, in order to explore more possibilities in carbon asset management, the ccarbon team established the ccarbon Climate Financial Technology Laboratory.

Among them, smart carbon reduction shoes are one of the solutions provided by ccarbon lab. Participants in carbon reduction activities will mainly use smart carbon reduction shoes to reduce carbon and collect carbon credits. They can obtain up to 34 units of carbon credits per day (equivalent to walking 10,200 steps). Even if no steps are counted, 10 units of carbon credits will be obtained per day as environmental protection incentives. Carbon credits can be converted into carbon assets for trading. Healthy assets, healthy future, ccarbon team welcomes you to join!