The cryptocurrency market differs from traditional ones in its openness, accessibility and fewer legal restrictions, which opens up opportunities for income from the exchange of digital assets for a wide range of industry participants. Including beginners who do not have specialized education or trading experience and are vulnerable to certain risks.

In this article, we will look at 10 steps that will help beginners master the basics of trading in a specific crypto market and minimize the likelihood of losing capital due to lack of knowledge.

Who is a cryptocurrency trader?

A cryptocurrency trader is a person who trades digital assets for profit. Traders analyze the market, predict price changes, and trade to profit from these fluctuations.

Traders may use a variety of strategies, including short-term ones such as scalping or day trading, or long-term position trading. They also often use technical and fundamental analysis, studying price charts, trading volumes, and other market indicators to get as much data as possible for decision making.

Top 10 Steps for a Newbie in Cryptocurrency Trading

In order to trade on the crypto market, it is important to create your own set of rules (strategy) and stick to them regardless of external factors and market conditions. That is why this area of ​​activity requires discipline, patience and willingness to adapt to rapid changes in the market. A beginner should start his journey with the following steps:

Trading platform

In order to conduct operations on the cryptocurrency market, you need to create an account on the exchange or a cryptocurrency wallet. It is best to start with centralized exchanges, as they are considered more understandable and convenient for beginners, and then move on to decentralized platforms with experience. That is why choosing a platform is the first and key step for a trader.


Strong passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA) are basic security measures that will help protect your exchange accounts and wallets from unauthorized access.

However, there is always a risk of a trading platform being hacked or assets being frozen, so in the case of transactions with large deposits, it is worth diversifying storage and exchange services, without entrusting all capital to one platform.


A key component of successful trading is training. Some exchanges offer basic courses that allow you to master the trading interface and professional terminology. However, full mastery of this area requires more in-depth courses that will help you better understand the features of the crypto market and digital assets.

Strategy and risk management

Strategy and risk management are the foundations of trading. There is no single strategy that would work effectively under all conditions and for any market, so each trader chooses an individual approach. This could be day trading, trend trading, long-term investing, etc.

It is also important to master the basics of risk management. Some instruments and trading methods are high-risk, such as trading memcoins or using leverage. Risk management will help you establish the most comfortable ratio of possible losses and profits for each transaction.

Fundamental analysis

In order to make an informed decision, you need to be able to analyze and verify information that comes from different sources and not trust the opinions and assessments of third-party traders. This requires the skills to conduct your own research (DYOR). This will provide a broader understanding of the industry and will allow you to obtain more data, not limited to price charts only.

Technical analysis

Along with fundamental analysis, traders usually use technical analysis - this is a more specific set of methods that allows you to analyze price charts and predict the dynamics of cryptocurrency based on historical data, information on trading volume, and the like.

Technical analysis involves mastering various tools such as trend lines, moving averages or indicators to better understand what is happening with an asset.


When trading crypto assets, it is important to receive new and verified information in a timely manner, because any important news can affect the market as a whole and individual cryptocurrencies. This often leads to price fluctuations, which potentially open up opportunities for traders.

Common sources of information include social networks (Telegram, Discord, X) and specialized publications.

Emotional control

One of the most difficult aspects of trading is the ability to control your emotions. During sharp market fluctuations, many traders can succumb to panic or greed, which leads to hasty and ill-considered decisions. It is important to learn to stay calm and make decisions based on logic, not emotions. This will help you avoid impulsive trades and protect your investments.

To study this aspect of the market in detail, a separate field known as trading psychology has been formed.


Practice without theory often leads to loss of the deposit, however, theory without practice does not affect the skills and financial position of the trader. That is why it is important to check the acquired knowledge and consolidate it in real transactions, transforming it into experience.

You can start with a small deposit to get familiar with the exchange interface and make your first transactions. In addition, beginners can use a demo account, which will help them master the basics of trading in practice without the risk of losing real assets.

Error analysis

After each trade, regardless of its outcome, it is important to analyze your actions. This will help identify mistakes and understand what went wrong. Keeping a trader's diary can be a useful tool for tracking progress, identifying weaknesses, and improving your strategy. There are special services like CryptoDiaries or, where you can keep records of your trades and analyze them to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your strategy.

Self-study: Pros and Cons

Self-study is a popular approach in many professions, particularly in trading. Access to a huge amount of material through free courses, videos, and guides provides everyone with the opportunity to master new knowledge independently, however, this method is not universal and is not suitable for everyone. Among the main advantages of self-study, the following can be highlighted:

  • cost savings. Self-study can be free, allowing you to save on training programs or courses;

  • time. The ability to set a schedule makes the learning process flexible and allows you to combine it with work or other activities;

  • variability. The trader can independently choose topics for study without program restrictions, and independently determine the depth of the study of the issue.

However, the disadvantages of this approach limit its use among beginners:

  • Complexity: Inexperienced users may find it difficult to find the information they need or understand market concepts without the guidance of an experienced mentor;

  • reliability. There is a lot of inaccurate and sometimes misleading information on the Internet that can create false impressions about trading or even lead to financial losses;

  • uncertainty. Data from open sources is usually not structured and requires independent compilation of a curriculum for gradual assimilation, which is not possible for all beginners.

  • motivation. Independent learning requires constant effort on your part, and the lack of external control can lead to loss of interest. In addition, group lessons provide support and feedback from other participants and teachers, which makes it easier to understand complex topics.

Thus, to effectively master trading, it may be advisable to combine self-study with professional courses or mentoring support, which will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of this area of ​​activity.

Courses and books on trading

Although the goal of all traders is to earn income, the methods of achieving it can differ significantly depending on the preferences of a particular user, their psychological characteristics, etc. Therefore, for beginners, specialized courses are often the best solution, which allow you to get structured information on various strategies and learn more about useful trading tools that will help you develop your own approach to making deals.

Another important source of information is specialized literature. Although books are not supported by the personal experience of a particular trader, which is often present in courses, they still contain systematized and verified knowledge on certain aspects of trading. Some popular books that help to better understand this area of ​​activity can be found in our review article.


Cryptocurrency trading opens up income opportunities even for people without specialized education or experience. However, achieving success requires a systematic approach, thorough theoretical training and practical actions. This is a dynamic and complex process that involves mastering a large number of skills and using various information sources.

One of the most common approaches is self-study using free courses, professional literature, publicly available data, etc. However, in certain cases, a combination of self-study with professional courses and mentoring can significantly increase the efficiency of mastering a new type of activity, and reduce the risk of financial losses due to the lack of sufficient experience and understanding of the industry.